Performer, Educator & Clinician

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Who is Dr.Boutin?

Dr. Megan Boutin is the Assistant Professor of Music in Trombone at Texas A&M University-Commerce. She has performed, presented, and adjudicated at conferences and festivals including the International Trombone Festival, American Trombone Workshop, Midwest Clinic, International Women’s Brass Conference, Big 12 Trombone Conference, and the Music by Women Festival. An active performer and soloist, she is the winner of the 2019 International Women's Brass Conference Tenor Trombone Category II solo division, and has also performed as a guest soloist at the Midwest Clinic.

More about Megan

Music speaks to us all in different ways but it is part of the experience of being human. It is so powerful it can evoke tears, smiles, gratitude, and wonder, and it can change lives. Music allows us to connect to each other in a unique way and this resonates with me. As musicians the trombone is our tool and our voice to make this connection. Music is what inspires me, fuels me, recharges me, and brings my joy. Sharing this with others is why I am also an educator.